Posted: 3/17/2009 12:22:59 PM
By: Comfortably Anonymous
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Topic: News: Education

This is why history education in schools is an abomination. They school books have been censored so bad and tailored to political agendas that people with a proper education find none of this surprising.

Go to a rural public library and find some history books published pre-1960s. Look at the fall of Rome, the French Revolution, War of American Independence, the Civil War, and for those that were around the fall of the Russian Empire, Rise of the Soviets, and the fall of the Soviet Union.

Every government, from my recollection, as it falls goings through several key phases:

  • A monetary collapse brought about by both government bureaucracy exceeding its income. CHECK (US 1960s New Deal borrowing endlessly from the generation yet to come spending more then it made.)
  • Government cultivates dependency on the government over time (CHECK, a constant in governments)
  • Government increasingly taxes those that have to continue to subsidize those that don't (CHECK, primary foundation of the New Deal. No incentive to work if your expectations are low.)
  • Initial tremor of panic and small exodus of population from one location to another (CHECK, 1980s the Great White Exodus of middle class America (mostly white) from inner city and urban environments to the suburbs.)
  • Economic fundamentals discarded as socialist policies attempt to "Float the Boat" (CHECK, 1930s, 2000s, mass cost cutting attempts via outsourcing, additional social services indicate failures in the private sector to provide those services)
  • Fraud increases in all aspects of society as people make personal power grabs to secure resources for self and others in close circles (CHECK, not only on the personal level but within social circles, e.g. society begins to function like the Mafia, The Bakers, The Butchers, the Candlestick Makers)
  • Government attempts to regulate further to slow the corruption, only increasing the pressure and accelerating the fraud (CHECK, 1990s, medical bribes up, growing disparity of healthcare options)
  • After successfully securing resources exodus of wealthy to better locations (CHECK, the modern aristocracy mostly lives abroad.)
  • With the loss of large amounts of tax revenue and the betrayal of the aristocracy the government begins to fold, services are cut. (PENDING, many 25+ million a year are increasingly living outside the US. Many corporations are re-basing outside the US to avoid taxes.)
  • Those dependent on the government services suffer first demanding what they have been educated they are entitled to. Middle class and few remaining wealthy start becoming protectionist with resources (money). Accelerating the decline. Corruption worsens still with tax fraud and evasion growing. Bartering returns (PENDING, Craigslist number of SWAP versus BUY listing drastically increasing in certain areas. Donations down. Growing disconnect between haves and have nots.)
  • Education slips and population becomes naive as a whole. Critical thinking, personal responsibility, and sense of cultural unity vanishes(CHECK, no longer the melting pot we have become the salad bar. As Obama blundered: "We are a nation of immigrants, jews, whites, blacks, muslims, etc.." where ideally we would be a "nation of immigrants brought together as Americans with common goals and interests" Segregation and categorizing people e.g. the Diversity Movement has done more harm then good, separating people rather then bringing them together.)
  • Violent Outbreaks between factions begin as societies become tribalized (gangs, city states) along social, political, and ethnic lines. If the government can't take care of us they we'll take care of "our own" (whom ever that may be; e.g. Families, Neighborhood, etc. Rival gangs, and even rival towns. More and more Mafia like behavior then before. Loyalty becomes a commodity.)
  • Government can no longer contain or control the various factions. A power vacuum develops. Tribes band together. (PENDING)
  • Some political or social flash goes off. Violence erupts plunging the nations into a state of internal war. (PENDING. Polarization of political climate is complete. Liberal vs. Conservative, Socialist vs. Capitalist. Regional polarization increasing with Midwest, East Coast, West Coast. Growing dissent in federal tax money distribution. Each of the 3 regions tired of subsidizing one another. Few people see value in California being involved in Michigan and vise versa. Ethnic separation increasing with many whites consolidating in suburbs, ethnic, lifestyle, and religious schools growing in popularity.)
  • Government and society gives way and relaxes the last few cultural values in a bid to stave off the economic melt down and lessen infighting; this in turn makes it worse. (PENDING, pot legalization, prostitution, and gambling laws will be lessened. Relaxed controls open up religious and philosophical exploitation of the legal system. The last few exploiters will "slash and burn" their way out of the nation. This is the "rats leaving a sinking ship" phase.)
  • Total collapse with government back military versus dozens of factions. Sometimes a new nation rises. Sometimes the old nation is broken up. At least 40-80 years of conflict continue as corruption, bureaucracies, and societies rebuild. We are about 40 years behind the Soviet Union. Sit back, grab a history book, and wait for the US to follow suit.

Looking back I can see this same pattern over and over and over and over again. No surprises. For us Americans, if you can find real history books, look at what caused the Civil War. Sadly now my nieces textbooks say it was about slavery but I still have all mine that talked about the economy, private property law, political backstabbing, foreign pressures. Hell my old American History book had 18 chapters on the Civil War at over 900+ pages. My 18 year old niece has 1 chapter in her book at a whopping 8 pages and the whole books is only 400 pages long. Never once in her book do they mention England or France, the word Carpetbagger isn't even in her book and Grant and Lee are mentioned ONCE in a single sentence. 8 pages, 6 of which are about Abe, 1 on slavery, and 1 of Q&A. Her book doesn't even go into the Reconstruction Era. So much for public education having worth. I was lucky enough to go to private school until high school where I found the same textbooks in use we used in the 7th grade they were using for seniors. Appalling standards where they administration was more concerned about getting funding for the football program then educating students.

A firm understanding of history means fewer surprises in the future.

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